
An article about wxPython, one of the most popular desktop graphical user interface (GUI) toolkits for the Python programming language

wxPython: Ensuring Only One Instance Per Frame

The other day, I came across an interesting StackOverflow question where the fellow was trying to figure out how to open a sub-frame only once. Basically he wanted a single instance of the sub-frame (and other sub-frames). After digging around a bit on Google, I found an old thread from the wxPython Google Group that

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wxPython: Extracting XML from the RichTextCtrl

I recently came across a StackOverflow question where the fellow was asking how to get wxPython’s RichTextCtrl’s XML data so he could save it to a database. I don’t know much about this control, but after a quick Google search, I found an article from 2008 that gave me the information I needed. I took

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wxPython: Converting wx.DateTime to Python datetime

The wxPython GUI toolkit includes its own date / time capabilities. Most of the time, you can just use Python’s datetime and time modules and you’ll be fine. But occasionally you’ll find yourself needing to convert from wxPython’s wx.DateTime objects to Python’s datetime objects. You may encounter this when you use the wx.DatePickerCtrl widget. Fortunately,

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wxPython: Catching Exceptions from Anywhere

The wxPython Google Group was discussing different methods of catching exceptions in wxPython the other day. If you use wxPython a lot, you will soon realize that some exceptions are difficult to catch. The wxPython Wiki explains why. Anyway, the fellows on the list were recommending the use of sys.excepthook. So I took one of

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wxPython: How to Catch All Exceptions

One of my friends on the wxPython Google Group asked how to catch any exception that happens in wxPython. The problem is complicated somewhat because wxPython is a wrapper on top of a C++ library (wxWidgets). You can read about the issue on the wxPython wiki. Several wxPython users mentioned using Python’s sys.excepthook to catch

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wxPython: An Introduction to Sized Controls

The wxPython toolkit provides an alternative to using Sizers for layout that is known as “sized_controls”. These controls or widgets are basically top-level widgets (like frame, panel, dialog, etc) that have sizing logic built into them. This article will cover all four types of sized_controls. They are as follows: SizedPanel SizedScrolledPanel SizedFrame SizedDialog The SizedScrolledPanel

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wxPython: Wrap Widgets with WrapSizer

wxPython 2.9 introduced the world to a new type of sizer that can take widgets and automatically make them “wrap” around as you resize the frame. That sizer is known as wx.WrapSizer. For some reason, it is relatively unknown, so we’ll spend a few minutes going over how to use it in this article. To

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