Python Logging: How to Log to Multiple Locations

Today I decided to figure out how to make Python log to a file and the console simultaneously. Most of the time, I just want to log to a file, but occasionally I want to be able to see stuff on the console too to help with debugging. I found this ancient example in the Python documentation and ended up using it to mock up the following script:

import logging

def log(path, multipleLocs=False):
    Log to multiple locations if multipleLocs is True
    fmt_str = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(message)s'
    formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt_str)
    logging.basicConfig(filename=path, level=logging.INFO,
    if multipleLocs:
        console = logging.StreamHandler()
          "This is an informational message")
        1 / 0
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        logging.exception("You can't do that!")
    logging.critical("THIS IS A SHOW STOPPER!!!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    log("sample.log") # log only to file
    log("sample2.log", multipleLocs=True) # log to file AND console!

As you can see, when you pass True to the second argument, the script will create an instance of StreamHandler() which you can then configure and add to the current logger via the following call:


This works great on Linux, but on Windows 7 the sample2.log wasn’t getting created, so I had to modify the if statement as follows:

if multipleLocs:
    console = logging.StreamHandler()
    fhandler = logging.FileHandler(path)


Now I should note that this causes a rather odd bug in that Python is somehow keeping track of the file names I write to across calls to my log function such that when I tell it to write to sample2.log, it write to it PLUS the original sample.log. To get around this, we have to create a logger instance with a unique name each time we call the script. Here’s an updated example that works correctly:

import logging
import os

def log(path, multipleLocs=False):
    Log to multiple locations if multipleLocs is True
    fname = os.path.splitext(path)[0]
    logger = logging.getLogger("Test_logger_%s" % fname)
    fh = logging.FileHandler(path)
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(message)s')
    if multipleLocs:
        console = logging.StreamHandler()
   "This is an informational message")
        1 / 0
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        logger.exception("You can't do that!")
    logger.critical("THIS IS A SHOW STOPPER!!!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    log("sample.log") # log only to file
    log("sample2.log", multipleLocs=True) # log to file AND console!

You will note that this time we base the logger name on the file name of the log. The logging module is pretty slick and lots of fun to play around with. I hope you found that as interesting as I did.

5 thoughts on “Python Logging: How to Log to Multiple Locations”

  1. In the docstring of basicConfig’s method ( one can read “This function does nothing if the root logger already has handlers configured.” The relevant “if” statement can be seen at That’s why sample2.log file is not being created in the first version of your code. However, there’s no difference between Linux/Windows in this regard. I guess you missed something when testing on Linux. Btw, you might be interested in Brandon Rhode’s article “Introspect Python logging with logging_tree
    ” (

  2. This coding approach is fine for playing around, but not good for more serious work. Specifically, code which configures logging (sets default levels, adds handlers) should under most circumstances be called only once. In your example, if you call log with True more than once, it will add multiple handlers which print to console, resulting in lines being duplicated.

    basicConfig does nothing the second and subsequent times it’s called, but addHandler will add a new handler every time it’s called.

    If you need to configure multiple handlers, it’s worth using the dictConfig API in logging.config.

  3. Pingback: Python: How to Create Rotating Logs - The Mouse Vs. The Python

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