
How to Take a Screenshot of Your wxPython App and Print it

Have you ever thought that it would be cool to have your wxPython code take a screenshot of itself? Well, Andrea Gavana figured out a cool way to do just that and between what he told us on the wxPython mailing list and what I learned from other sources, you will soon learn how to

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Python’s _winreg: Editing the Windows Registry

Python’s standard library is known for including lots of handy modules and packages that can be used without installing anything else. That’s one of the primary reasons that its standard library is called “batteries included” so often. So it should come as no surprise that Python includes a Windows only module for editing the Windows

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Using Python to Reduce the Roaming Profile

Roaming Profiles are a blessing and a curse. If the user uses the internet, their browser’s cached files will grow like mad. If the user downloads programs to their desktop or creates large Powerpoint files anywhere in their profile, then they have to be managed whenever the user logs in or out. There are several

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