
Creating a Photo Slideshow Application with wxPython (Video)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to improve the image viewer application that you created in the previous video tutorial to make it load up a folder of images. Then you will add some buttons so that the user can go forwards and backwards through the images or play a slideshow of the images. […]

Creating a Photo Slideshow Application with wxPython (Video) Read More »

Letting Users Change a wx.ComboBox’s Contents in wxPython

This week I came across someone who was wondering if there was a way to allow the user to edit the contents of a wx.ComboBox. By editing the contents, I mean change the names of the pre-existing choices that the ComboBox contains, not adding new items to the widget. While editing the contents of the

Letting Users Change a wx.ComboBox’s Contents in wxPython Read More »

wxPython – Creating a PDF Merger / Splitter Utility

The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a well-known format popularized by Adobe. It purports to create a document that should render the same across platforms. Python has several libraries that you can use to work with PDFs: ReportLab – Creating PDFs PyPDF2 – Manipulating preexisting PDFs pdfrw – Also for manipulating preexisting PDFs, but also

wxPython – Creating a PDF Merger / Splitter Utility Read More »

Book Contest: Creating GUI Applications with wxPython

Last month, I released a new book entitled Creating GUI Applications with wxPython. In celebration of a successful launch, I have decided to do a little contest. Rules Tweet about the contest and include my handle: @driscollis Send me a direct message on Twitter or via my contact form with a link to your Tweet

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Getting the Correct Notebook Tab Across Platforms in wxPython

I was recently working on a GUI application that had a wx.Notebook in it. When the user changed tabs in the notebook, I wanted the application to do an update based on the newly shown (i.e. selected) tab. I quickly discovered that while it is easy to catch the tab change event, getting the right

Getting the Correct Notebook Tab Across Platforms in wxPython Read More »

Creating GUI Applications with wxPython Now Available

My latest book, Creating GUI Applications with wxPython is now available for purchase. Creating GUI Applications with wxPython is a book that will teach you how to use wxPython to create applications by actually creating several mini-programs. I have found that while learning how the various widgets work in wxPython is valuable, it is even better

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Creating a GUI Application for NASA’s API with wxPython

Growing up, I have always found the universe and space in general to be exciting. It is fun to dream about what worlds remain unexplored. I also enjoy seeing photos from other worlds or thinking about the vastness of space. What does this have to do with Python though? Well, the National Aeronautics and Space

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How to Distribute a wxPython Application

Let’s say you finished up a wonderful GUI application using wxPython. How do you share it with the world? This is always the dilemma when you finish an amazing program. Fortunately, there are several ways you can share your code. If you want to share your code with other developers, than Github or a similar

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Creating GUI Applications with wxPython Kickstarter

I am pleased to announce my latest book project, Creating GUI Applications with wxPython which I am running a Kickstarter campaign for. Creating GUI Applications with wxPython is a book that will teach you how to use wxPython to create applications by actually creating several mini-programs. I have found that while learning how the various

Creating GUI Applications with wxPython Kickstarter Read More »